Sunday 9 June 2013

Image courtesy of weheartit

Hello there! So last year while I was on my gap year I attempted to make a blog about my travels and what I would get up to. Unfortunately that didn't turn out to well, as I didn't always have internet connections and I was to preoccupied with discovering new places and admiring the new city and cultures that I haven't been to before. Anyway, enough about that. So now I'll try a different approach. They say its christmas in July (even though its june at the moment) in Australia, because of the colder weather. So taking that in mind, I am going to make a mid years resolution. 

So my mid years resolution will be:

•Take more photographs, especially for photography class.

•Don't start assignments at the last minute but actually take time to stress less. 

• Which takes me to point three. Try and stress less

•When I don't have classes on try some DIY projects and post them.

•Who knows even make some youtube videos

•Write inspiration posts

Lets see what happens in the next 6 months and hopefully you guys like it! :) 


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